nemi WAMS Node

Wireless Sensor Node for Measuring and Monitoring Cracks, Strains and Temperatures

nemi WAMS Node is the wireless sensor node for data acquisition in i4M's Wide Area Monitoring System. In addition to the integrated humidity and temperature sensors, it offers connection options to measure and monitor strain, temperatures or distances (e.g. cracks). nemi WAMS was developed for applications that do not require high data rates but large area coverage with sensors and long battery runtimes. This is made possible by own highly efficient radio technology nemi Link 868. The elimination of cabling enables easy installation even on large assets and structures. Examples for use cases are climate or crack monitoring on bridges or continuous temperature monitoring on rolling bearings in big production facilities.

nemi WAMS No

Technical details of nemi WAMS Node

Orbitdarstellung nemi WAMS Node

Key features

Integrated humidity and temperature sensors

Completely wireless due to radio technology nemi Link 868 and integrated battery

More than 5 years of battery life

Transmission of raw data or pre-evaluated / smart data by edge computing

Data sampling every 1 to 20 minutes, alarm every 1 to 5 minutes

Robust, weatherproof IP 67 housing

Connection options

Up to 3 strain gauge full bridges for measuring strains, forces and moments

Up to 3 Pt100 / Pt1000 resistance thermometers for monitoring temperatures

Up to 3 displacement sensors for measuring distances and cracks

Up to 3 potentiometric sensors for monitoring distances and angles of rotation


Icon DMS

Connection of up to 3 strain gauge full bridges with resolution up to 24 bit; inaccuracy due to measuring chain << 1 %

Icon Abstand

Connection of up to 3 displacement sensors with resolution up to 24 bit

Icon Luftfeuchtigkeitssensor

Climate sensor for measuring the temperature (measuring range -40 - 125 °C; inaccuracy +/- 0.2 °C;) and humidity (measuring range 0 - 100 % rH; inaccuracy +/- 1.8 % rH;) in the environment

Icon Temperaturfühler

Connection of up to 3 Pt100 / Pt1000 temperature sensors with resolution up to 24 bit; inaccuracy due to measuring chain << 1 %

Icon nemi Link 868

nemi Link 868 - i4M's own robust long-range radio technology in the 868 MHz frequency band; Range up to 1000 m; max. sum sampling rate of 200 Hz at 24 bits per sample

Icon Batterie

Battery life approx. 7 years with transmission of one measured value per 20 minutes

Compatible receiver modules
in the nemi Link 868 radio network:

nemi WAMS Bridge

Use Case

Use Case Monitoring von RIssbreiten

Monitoring of crack widths and local climate

Together with Kempen Krause Ingenieure, i4M has equipped several motorway bridges in Germany with a crack monitoring system to extend the service life of the bridges. All components have wireless data transmission and are battery powered.


Poor accessibility

Years of battery life

Weather conditions

Large distances between measuring points

Solution & Advantages

Simple installation

Self-sufficient solution

Extension of the safe use of bridges

Automatic report generation

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i4M technologies GmbH

Foersterstr. 5
52072 Aachen

+49 241 56 00 22 00
