nemi Log (+ cellular)

Battery Powered Wireless Data Logger with Integrated Sensors and cellular option

nemi Log is a stand-alone wireless data logger whose battery life is maximized using the highly efficient nemi Link 2400 wireless technology.  It receives data from up to eight wireless sensor nodes. With the integrated 9 DoF IMU and GPS, nemi Log can also be used independently to measure accelerations, rotation rates, rotation angles and magnetic fields and determine the position.
In the nemi Log basic version, the data is stored on a micro SD card. As the data needs to be read out from this SD card, in this version nemi Log is particularly suitable for temporary offline applications. Since it can be mounted very easily and flexibly, it is also often used in rotating and moving applications.
The nemi Log + cellular version offers the option of sending status messages via MQTT and uploading data to an FTP server via cellular radio. This offers considerable advantages, especially in construction monitoring, because not only medium-term measurements with high sampling rates are possible, but also long-term measurements at low sampling rates.

Technical details of nemi Log (+ cellular)

Key features

Receiver for up to 8 sensor nodes in the radio network nemi Link 2400

Data logging on micro SD card

Data provision via cellular connection

Integrated accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer (3 axes each)

Completely wireless and maximized battery life due to radio technology nemi Link 2400

Provision of data as CSV files with time stamps from integrated clock (RTC)

Robust, weatherproof IP 65 housing


Icon IMU

IMU sensor module for measuring accelerations and rotation rates around all 3 axes; ACC up to 16 g; GYR up to 4000 °/s; signal resolution 16 bit

Icon Magnetometer

Triaxial magnetometer; measuring range up to 16 Gauss; signal resolution 16 bit

Icon GPS

Multi Constellation Global Positioning (GNSS) with an accuracy of 1.5 m CEP

Icon nemi Link 2400

nemi Link 2400 - i4M's own robust and flexible radio technology in the 2.4 GHz frequency band; Range up to 140 m (in buildings); Range up to 350 m (urban area) ; max. sum sampling rate of 36 kHz at 24 bits per sample

Icon LTE

4G cellular connection; energy efficient NB-IoT and LTE-M protocols

Icon SD Karte

Data logging on micro SD card

Icon Laden per USB

Internal rechargeable battery; runtime of several weeks depending on configuration

continious operation with voltage input 7 - 30 V DC

Compatible sensor nodes in the nemi Link 2400 radio network:

nemi G+

nemi G+ nano

nemi DAQ

nemi DAQ nano

Frau auf Achterbahn mit Brustgurt zur Messung physischer Belastungen auf den menschlichen Körper in Fahrgeschäftemn

Detection of physical stresses on the human body in roller coasters

Using the acceleration sensor nemi G+ attached to a chest strap, we have determined the forces and accelerations that occur on the human body while riding roller coasters. With this knowledge, visitors with disabilities can also be offered an extended and improved use of roller coasters and attractions.


Safe measurement during active operation

Risk-free attachment to the body

High robustness against dynamic loads and weather influences

Solution & Adventages

Flexible assembly and disassembly

Uncomplicated handling thanks to completly wireless measurement technology

Longer measurement series because of long battery life

No suitable product found?

There are projects that have to start on a blank sheet of paper, because something new and unprecedented is to be created. This is how our nemione® products were created, which have become a series product in many iterations. i4M analyzes mechanical systems, determines relevant measurement variables and develops customized and highly integrated measurement technology to find the optimal solution for your individual challenge.

View i4M's individual solutions


We look forward to getting into conversation and working together to find the optimal solution to your challenge.

nemione® is a trademark of

i4M technologies GmbH

Foersterstr. 5
52072 Aachen

+49 241 56 00 22 00
