how nemione® works:

Smart sensors
+ wireless data transmission
+ customized data analysis
= your reliable data

Do you want to make your asset or machinery smart? Part of your task is, for example, the monitoring of a large asset or structure?

For this you need reliable data!
That's easy with nemione®!

nemione Anwendungsbeispiel

In a first step, we work with you to identify reasonably measurable variables: This might be the temperature and vibration of rolling bearings in the machines of your production chain.

But many other measured variables can also be recorded with our wireless sensors.

Measured variables

Icon Dehnung


Icon Kraft

Force / Torque

Icon Druck


Icon Strömung


Icon Masse


Icon Beschleunigung

Acceleration / Vibration

Icon Körperschall

Structure-Borne Sound

Icon Luftschall

Airborne Sound

Icon Temperaturfühler


Icon Luftfeuchtigkeitssensor


Icon Drehrate

Rotation Rate

Icon Drehwinkel

Rotation Angle

Icon Neigung


Icon Magnetometer

Magnetic Flux

Icon Abstand


Icon GPS


Icon Füllstand

Fill Level

In order to be able to put together an optimal measuring system for your application from our nemione® products, select a suitable form of wireless data transmission. Here you have to distinguish between our own developed wireless technologies nemi Link.

Wireless technologies

nemi Link 868

Long range network

In many applications, data must be transmitted over long distances. With appropriate gateways and high
efficiency technology, wireless sensors collect the right data at every point in your asset and enable long battery runtimes.

nemi Link 2400

High speed network

Sometimes it's the speed that counts: Several thousand measured values can be transmitted, evaluated and displayed error-free per second. This allows you to maintain an overview at neuralgic points.

The combination of wireless data transmission with our battery-powered sensors enables uncomplicated and cost-effective commissioning of complex measuring systems. Ultra high efficiency technology provides often years of battery life.

To provide you with the wirelessly transmitted data, you can choose the right one from our nemione® receivers. 4G-gateway, data logger or direct USB connection? Different receiver products will allow you to view and process your data online via dashboard, on-site from an SD card, or through our included software.

There is more to nemione® than collecting raw data: In addition to our nemione® products, we gladly support you with our software packages for the data analysis. Based on state-of-the-art algorithms and jointly defined key figures, the data is automatically analyzed and can, for example, generate well-founded recommendations for action via SMS or e-mail.

nemione Notification Example

In order to increase battery runtimes even further, data pre-evaluation can take place directly in our sensor products by means of edge computing.

In this way, nemione® helps you to obtain reliable data with smart sensors, wireless data transmission and customized data analysis.

Further application examples for our nemione® products can be found in the following Use Cases:


We look forward to getting into conversation and working together to find the optimal solution to your challenge.

nemione® is a trademark of

i4M technologies GmbH

Foersterstr. 5
52072 Aachen

+49 241 56 00 22 00
